Cincinnati Baby Photography: Age Matters

I will always say that every age is the perfect age to get baby photos taken, and no matter how old your baby is, I guarantee you will go home with stunning images that capture your baby’s beautiful self. So no need to stress out if you didn’t get on board in time for newborn photos, it’s never too late to capture the moment.

However, if you haven’t had your child yet and you’re hoping to plan ahead, there are certain things you may want to pay attention to. In order to nail that dream, most likely, Pinterest inspired photoshoot and make sure your baby will hold those specific poses you had in mind, it helps to have them be in the right age group.

During the first year of birth, your baby will go through so many physical changes and growth at the blink of an eye. If you are looking to get photographs of your child before they turn one, this is not a stage you want to procrastinate in.

Newborn Photography (Under 2 Weeks Old)

As many of you know, newborn photography is one of my absolutely favorite infant stage to photograph. The tiny infant that is extremely sleepy and cuddly is my dream come true when it comes to baby photography.

If you want a super snuggly newborn photoshoot where your baby is still curled up like it’s in the womb, then it is absolutely ideal to schedule that photoshoot within the first two weeks of birth. After these first two weeks, it’s not the end of the world, but your baby will naturally be awake longer, move around a lot more and it’ll just be a bit of a challenge to keep them all curled up.

You may be wondering, how do I schedule it within those two weeks if I’m not exactly sure when the baby is coming? I recommend all mothers who are expecting to schedule the photoshoot about a week after the mother’s due date. This allows your photoshoot to happen within that two week mark, if your baby comes early or if it comes late.

I also am pretty flexible with my clients, because as much as we would love for it to be up to us, and for us to be in control of the pregnancy, it doesn’t always happen on our terms.

3 Months Old

Babies who are older than two weeks old are just as absolutely stinking cute as the newborn babies. They are just awake more often, prefer to have clothing on, and won’t be resting as curled up as they once were. Some people even prefer infant portraits over newborn photographs, it is definitely a personal preference.

As your baby gets older and older, they start to develop more and more personality, which can definitely be a plus! Infant photography also allows you to relax for a longer period of time and truly enjoy your time spent home with your newborn.

At three months old, babies can now smile, laugh and hold their heads up steadily. They are starting to roll, recognize the sound of their parents’ voices and have more regular sleep patterns. Babies at three months old are overall more animated and engaging than a cuddly, and sleepy newborn baby.

6 Months Old

This age is a classic age for family portraits. The babies have grown and changed a lot of the past six months. They now enjoy playing with their hands, so they will love to explore different toys and objects which is ideal when it comes to a photoshoot.

At six months, your baby is also likely to be sitting up which is another great bonus for photoshoots. If you prefer to have your baby laying down more, schedule your portraits for around three months old.

9/10 Months Old

This is one of the best stages of your child’s first year because oftentimes at this point, the baby is crawling and can hold themselves up standing if holding on to someone or some type of furniture. Now that the baby is more active, they can take over the photoshoot with their spunky personalities.

At this age, the babies being more active allows me to add in some props and furniture, which always make for a very fun and creative photoshoot.

12 Months Old

At this point, your child will be ready to start attempting to take their first steps, if not already walking. Your baby is able to respond to instructions and suggestions which will help you direct and engage with your child during the photoshoot.

This is one of the cutest stages to capture as your child wobbles around trying to keep their balance as they walk and sometimes run.

Final Words

There is not one perfect stage where you must have you baby portraits taken. Whether you prefer the cuddly, womb-like newborn, the spunky toddler, or the rebellious teenager any time is a good time to get your child’s photos taken.

You know your child the best, and if they’re going through a season of teething or not getting enough rest, I encourage you to wait a little bit longer before you schedule your pictures. If you are completely sold on newborn portraits, then wait no longer! As soon as you know your due date, feel free to contact me and schedule your photoshoot, there is no such thing as too soon.

For your baby’s first year, check out our photography packages. If this is your first baby photoshoot, find all the information you will need here.